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By: Alison Clancy

Why Independent Artists Need a NewsletterSo you read part one of this blog series and you’re feeling really good about your newsletter. Nice work! Now, my friend, it’s time for you to level up by implementing these three email marketing trends so you can surprise your audience and keep them hooked. 

1. Strive for visual excellence

When people hear information, the likeliness that they’ll retain it three days later is around 10%. However, if they see an image paired with information, 65% of people will retain that information three days later.

Make sure your newsletter prioritizes high quality visuals. If you don’t have a designer’s eye, I highly recommend Canva to build out graphics (it’s free). Remember to include a lot of padding around images to let them breathe, and keep copy short and sweet. You can also use a platform like Fiverr to hire a designer to build out templates that you can use over and over again. 

2. Make it interactive

We’ve already talked about how important visual content is, but what about interactive content? This can include: 

  • Videos - I recommend iMovie on desktop and Videoshop for iPhone 
  • Gifs - Check out EZgif
  • Quizzes and trivia questions
  • Contests
  • Links to your online shop

Not only will various content types delight your audience, but they’ll entice readers to click around and explore more of you and your music.

3. Assume mobile

Always test your email on your mobile device before sending out. If emails don’t load properly, readers will delete it in three seconds. Another 15% of those readers will go the next step and unsubscribe altogether. Avoid this happening to you and test, test, test!


What other trends have you been experimenting with or admiring lately? Let me know on Instagram at @_alisonclancy_ or in the NHTE Listeners Facebook group.

Alison ClancyAlison Clancy has been in marketing for over ten years, and now supports music companies, artists, and creatives. To find out more, check out