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By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Social media iconsOne week ago today a guest blog was published here from acoustic fingerstyle guitarist Alan Gogoll from Australia due to the timeliness of what he was writing about (going from a million followers across social media to deactivating his Facebook and Twitter accounts).  In truth, it was also helpful because I was traveling back across the U.S. that day, returning home from having been out in California at (in addition to other business) the Winter NAMM Show in Anaheim.

If you don’t know by now, the annual event is a tradeshow (with an educational/conference component too) for the National Association of Music Merchants.  In plain English, it’s a kid-in-a-candy-shop environment for seeing the latest and greatest in the music/audio world, relative to gear and other related products.

I’ve heard that 110 thousand people go through the four-day event at the Anaheim Convention Center.  The number of attendees is that big, yet it’s not even open to the public.  That’s how much interest there is from people (and companies) that travel from other countries to be a part of this massive gathering.

There’s a realization of even bigger numbers when you start seeing how much content is being gathered and created there.  Sure, there are media people on-site reporting.  But, even exhibitors themselves have recordings they’re creating – or showing – of their company’s presence.

As I strolled through just one of the halls (of which there are five in one building alone), I saw firsthand the filming and/or audio recording being done to tout products or a mere presence at Winter NAMM 2020.

Of course, I too was one of the many creators, recording seven interviews for upcoming episodes of “Now Hear This Entertainment,” not to mention three more that are scheduled to be recorded but originated because of NAMM.

It made me stop with amazement at how much really is out there.

This blog, the NHTE podcast, the music videos that guests tell me they’re creating, the vlogs that I see creators touting that they’ve posted, and certainly the YouTube channels that are a must for artists and brands alike.  Now we even have IGTV, as Instagram has established itself as a place for video sharing.  And I haven’t even mentioned livestreaming on a site such as or publishing to Vimeo or, doing a Facebook Live.

As I said, I was almost stopped in my tracks when I realized how much content is being created – print, audio, video, and not just across the entertainment industry but endless topics.

There are posts that go around implying that if it wasn’t on social media, did it even happen?  In all seriousness, it begs the question, if you’re not creating some type of content, are you even in the game?  If not, hear the whistle blowing and get off the sidelines.

With so (so) much to choose from, I’m ever so grateful to everyone who gives up valuable time to read this blog and/or listen to “Now Hear This Entertainment” each week.

Talk about this blog and the content creation that you do in our Facebook group!